Damien Jurado – Visions of Us on the Land
Mar 21, 2016 Web Exclusive By Joshua M. Miller
Throughout his career, Damien Jurado has proven to be a quite versatile, eclectic, and prolific songwriter. His songs excel thanks to his raw and reflective lyrics and unmistakable singing voice. Since he first teamed up with producer Richard Swift for his 2010 album Saint Bartlett, Jurado has found a like-minded tag-team partner. Over the past six years they crafted Jurado’s ambitious three-album fantasy-based trilogy, beginning with 2012’s Maraqopa and 2014’s Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son, and finishing with this year’s Visions of Us on the Land. The cinematic and psychedelic folk that marked the prior two albums is largely prevalent again throughout the sprawling 17-song, 52 minute Visions, though Jurado’s not afraid to scale back on a track like standout “Queen Anne.” With bountiful sonic and lyrical left turns that are full of adventure, mystery, and soul-searching, Jurado completes his vision for the trilogy in grand fashion. (www.damienjurado.com)